During my time in research I aimed to become a scientist with a general understanding of many aspects of ecology, but with in-depth knowledge of the systems and methods I am currently working with.

However, my principal research interests were in the field of ecology and entomology. I have a broad interest in applied (e.g. bio-control, ecosystem services) and basic ecology (e.g. behavioural-, landscape-, community-, population-, evolutionary ecology).

During my daily work I am using R (free software environment for statistical computing and graphics), which I started to use in 2009. Since 2017 I started to learn to use Bayesian statistics (initially with JAGS and continued with STAN). Analysing data is a task I really enjoy.

During my Master thesis, at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, I worked on mutualistic and trophic interaction in leaf cutting ants, especially on the food plant selection and plant defence.

The focus of my PhD, at the Department of Ecology at the SLU Uppsala, was on aggregation behaviour by studying the blue willow leaf beetle that lives gregariously. In this system I addressed basic ecological questions, like does this leaf beetle has a spatial memory and how does group living lowers predation risk, and more applied questions, like do weeds increase the presence of biological control agents of this beetle within young willow plantations.

My first post doc position at the same department was in statistical epidemiology and modelling honeybee diseases. With this work I tried to contribute to the understanding of American Foulbrood and viruses on honeybee health.

My second post doc position, at the SLU Swedish Species Information Centre, tried to tie together several aspects of forests. These aspects include wood demand from forestry, recreational effects of forests on human well-being, ecosystem services, and biodiversity. My part focused on biodiversity by modelling the landscape-scale spatial structure of beetle communities.

For one year I was then employed as Environmental Assessment Specialist at the Centre.

Since 2022 I am employed as ecologist and data analyst at The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB).